Category Archives: Performing

Cap Selling Never Gets Old

I took a trip down memory lane this week as a I sifted through old family photos and slides, scanned in recent years to prevent their permanent decay. I was delighted to find this photo, circa 1982   I hope … Continue reading

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Spontaneous Performance

Our days feel like one commitment after another with every minute allotted for something pressing or precious. What happens if we take advantage of the unexpected unscheduled moments?  Where will that lead our teaching?  Where will that lead our children? … Continue reading

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Taking Up Space

I love the feeling of space when I’m feeling expansive. I love the feeling of enclosure when I’m feeling comforted. This would be why sad children seek hugs, crawl under tables, and sleep well in small spaces.  This would also … Continue reading

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Stage Mother

I’m about to put my own child through an experience that I would never wish on a three year old: a full blown dance recital.  I’m not entirely sure how I, a perfectly reasonable and well-informed children’s theatre specialist, managed … Continue reading

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